For the Publicity Committee

Event in charge: Chinese New Year: Class Decoration Competition

The theme for this year:
Year of the Rabbit.

All classes are encouraged to use recycled materials.

The judges are looking for:

a) Visual Impact: The overall look and feel of the classroom

b) Originality: Creative use of materials and exceptional interpretation of the theme

c) Adherence to theme: The decor fits the theme of the year

Please ensure all task are assigned to individual members latest by thursday.
All decoration must be up by next monday 31 Jan 2011.

Judging Date: 1 February 2011


  1. I have a suggestion (:
    how about we write "Chinese New Year" at the back of the class with hongbaos? I have plenty to spare
    just a suggestion..

  2. Sure. We can even arrange it into a rabbit image at the bottom of it.

  3. darren made some hong baos design and pasting it to form s106 on the side board
